Monday, May 6, 2019

Financial Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Financial Strategy - strive ExampleFinancialisation has influenced corporate ownership and require. Corporate surmount is basically the mode of its governance and this behaviour is what fiscal markets has worked to influence and change to align to their own interests. Financialisation has led to a change in corporate control in such a way that managers are disciplined by the prospect of ouster and coup detat if they are unable to maximise profits. Because of this, managers are compelled to go for market efficiency improvements such as in camera financed equity investments and leveraged buyouts as a way of satisfying stakeholder interests. Basically, managers of corporations are now forced to merge their interests with those of the fiscal markets. This has eliminated the countervailing force that previously interfered with the ability or willingness of managers to side with excessive financial interests. It has too broke the union-power that apply to exist between corporation s. This clearly depicts that financialisation has led to a drift in the corporate financial behaviour. Financialisation and its fresh approach to corporate control fox fostered the growth of options like the straining pay option. The main case behind this is that there is an increased need to align the interests of the management with those of the stakeholders and such options help to accomplish this line of work successfully. The top management of corporations have benefitted from these stock options and new pay practices and this has generated in managers the interest to maximise the casual stock prices. Financialisation has also led to excessive adoption of debt finance by corporations. The main motivation for this is value code is more favourable to interest payments than on profits. In addition, managers of corporations have also adopted this dodge as a way of draining free cash from the firm leaving little for claimants on the income stream of the firm and putting pressu re on workers (Bronars and Deere 1991). The overall effect of financialisation on corporate control is that corporate governance is becoming increasingly beholden to and dominated by financial markets. This implies that corporate managers have been pressurized to import behaviors from the current financial markets and these in turn have affected business decision-making and corporate investment. These investments and decisions allow resource allocation whereby corporate managers of non-financial corporations have capitalized on stock repurchases as one of the main mode of corporate resource allocation. This has mainly been encouraged by the extent to which executives of corporations can enrich themselves by manipulating the stock prices of the corporation (Lazonick 2011, 11). These corporate control modes may be profitable and attractive and more profitable to firms. It also gives corporations a range of options for investing under various economic climates and profitability levels . For example, when profits achievable in financial markets are higher than those that can be achieved in the normal product market, then it becomes a motivation to corporation management to invest less in real assets and more on financial assets. However, such strategies may not be long-lasting. Palley (1995) and Palley (1997b), state that it is not good for the financial market behaviors of an prudence or corporations are governed by short-terminism and herd behavior. Financialisation

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