Saturday, May 11, 2019

Ea, E., Itzhaki, M., Ehezrenfeld, M., & Fitzpatrick, J. (2012) Assignment

Ea, E., Itzhaki, M., Ehezrenfeld, M., & Fitzpatrick, J. (2012). polish among immigrant nurses in Israel and the United S - Assignment ExampleWho participated or contributed data? The study involved the participation of 50 FSU nurses who are undergoing the surgical procedure of completing an 18-months educational program at a training school in Israel to become maestro registered nurses (RNs), and currently serving as practical nurses. All the participants have an experience in working with the FSU as well as old age homes. A Short Acculturation Scale for Filipino Americans (ASASFA) and demographic questionnaires were administered to 141 Filipino RNs. What methods were employ to collect data? Acculturation was conducted through the use of A Short Acculturation Scale for Filipino Americans. A t-test was then conducted to identify the variability in acculturation between the twain groups. Data was collected by use of questionnaires which were administered to the 50 FSU nurses. Conv enience sampling technique was used in the recruitment of the Filipino RNs attending a national convention organized by Philippines Nurses Association of American. ASASFA was used to determine acculturation among Filipino RNs. The translated version was used to assess the FSU nurses. Was an disturbance tested? No intervention was tested. What were the main findings? All FSU nurses were female with 68 per cent of them being married, 18% not married and the equilibrium divorced. The age range of the participants was from 25 to 49 years with a mean of 34 years. The average length of residence in Israel was found to be 9.6 years. 66% of the participants reported average income, 32% reported pitiful income while 2% reported high income. The purchasing power parity of the FSU nurses was found to be reasonable. An abstract of the Filipino RNs showed that 86.5% were female and 68.8% married. They had a group mean age of 45 years, 92.9% have a bachelors degree degree in nursing and an a nnual income of more than $60 000. Their average length of USA mansion is 18 years. The acculturation mean for all FSU nurses was 2.15 out of 5 with a standard parenthesis of 0.39. The Filipino RNs group acculturation mean was found out to be 3 with a standard deviation of 0.39. The t-test confirmed the presence of a significant difference in acculturation between the two groups i.e. 11.30. The results argue that the acculturation level of the Filipino RNs leaned towards the host culture. However, the FSU nurses portrayed an acculturation that is close to their original culture than the Israel culture. A high acculturation mean between the Filipino RNs indicates that they were comfortable with the use of the hosts linguistic process in all aspects of interactions. They were also comfortable with interacting with the members of the host culture. Credibility Is the study published in a source that required peer review? Yes X No ___Not sure ___ The publishing of the study in an art icle that requires peer review portrays the standard and credible nature of the results. Was the design used appropriate to the look for questions? Yes X No ___Not sure ___ The descriptive design and convenience sampling was appropriate for answering the look questions. The researchers were interested in exploring acculturation differences between immigrant nurses in Israel and the United States of America. Did the data obtained and the analysis conducted answers the research ques

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